What To expect

Thanks for visiting the Olympia Christian Reformed Church website!

We would love for you to join us on a Sunday morning as we worship together and enjoy the gift of Christian community. Our service starts at 10:30am and we welcome you to come early and enjoy some coffee or get kids settled. We are a multi-generational church ranging from elderly to young kids, so whether you need a listening aide or nursery, we want you to feel welcome in this space.

During the service we will sing a variety of hymns and contemporary songs that praise and glorify God, pray and bring our praises and requests to our Heavenly Father, and engage with a sermon rooted in Scripture. Afterwards there will be coffee and snacks provided as people connect with one another and build community.

On certain Sundays we will pass an offering plate for local and global needs, and our regular offerings can be given in boxes at the back of the sanctuary or online. As a guest, please do not feel pressured to give unless you desire to.

On the second Sundays of each month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (or Holy Communion) together. A Pastor will invite everyone to come up and receive either the elements (if you have a relationship with Jesus Christ and long to follow him) or a blessing.

If you have children in Kindergarten to 5th Grade, they will be invited to Children’s Worship after a few songs and prayer, where our teachers (who have all had background checks) will engage them in age-appropriate Bible stories, games, and crafts. They will come back up for the last song and the Lord’s Supper on the appropriate Sunday. If your kids are in 6th grade or above, or don’t feel comfortable going with the Children’s Worship, you are welcome to have them stay with you for the sermon with one of our provided activity bags.

If you have any questions, please call us or email olycrcsec@gmail.com!