Who We Are

Mission Statement

We are a community transfixed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are captivated by the idea that his power and presence can be lived out in us. Seeking to love God and to love others, we will be grace-givers and truth-tellers, seed-planters and risk-takers in Olympia and beyond, partnering with all who would advance the kingdom.


Starting as a group of 15 people in the Olympia area in 1969, Olympia Christian Reformed Church had a vision: a church aimed at community outreach, providing a place where people could worship with a positive emphasis on reformed theology, where lives could be touched and nurtured in Christ-like love. While the church has come a long way since its initial meetings in the Tumwater Community Center, the vision is still the same: to give God the glory in all things and to be a light in our community.

Who we are as a church begins and ends with Jesus. The gospel of Jesus Christ - his life, death, and resurrection - is the source of all we are and hope to be as a church. It is the greatest gift and our greatest hope in a broken, messed-up world. The words transfixed and captivated in our mission statement draw us in a sense of wonder and curiosity of what God is doing in our church and in our city. Along with that, the gift of the Holy Spirit that Jesus promises is what empowers us to live out this Gospel together in Christian community. Jesus says that the Spirit will guide us and lead us into all truth. We humbly desire that the Holy Spirit would be present in our church and show us what it means to live like Jesus.

The two greatest commandments that Jesus gives us, to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves, are what guide us in our worship and in our actions. We desire to speak in grace and truth to each other and to our communities, with both conviction and humility. We want to step out in faith and be curious about what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of those around us. As a church, we hope to have our eyes and ears open, looking for ways to pour out the love and grace that we’ve received on those in need around us. Our prayer is that we might be a blessing and a light in Olympia and beyond.